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  • Writer's pictureLiz Totton

Daily Photo–Rainy Day, Dream Away

Today, was the kind of rainy day where you put some music on and get stuff done, only if you were as lucky as I was not to be out driving or working in this weather. I cannot believe how much I actually miss a rainy day?! We left the Pacific Northwest 8 months ago. After 8 years in the rain, fog and gray, I thought 360 days of sun would be such a nice change of pace. It is, and it isn’t. Initially, I loved it. This is me musing about the sun in the very beginning of my time here. Even now though, there is nothing like a sunny, 75-degree day to call you outside. The sun’s siren song goes a bit like this:

“Put down your ironing. It can wait”

“Do not clean your house today. It’s too nice out.”

“Laundry, schmaundry, look down at the beach.”

“How can you work on a day like today?”

She is almost always right. Nothing ever seems as important as taking a walk on the beach or a run on a fine morning. I get lured out and returning to my ever-growing list of chores and demands is a daily challenge; one that is rarely accomplished.

Then, by chance, rainy weather pushes in. It reminds me how much inspiration comes with inclement weather. So much great art, music and writing has been hatched in cool, dark places like the Northwest, the United Kingdom, Russia and so many more places than I can possibly rattle off here. What is it about a cold, dark day that makes one more pensive and helps one to delve inward? I think I used to mistake this inwardness for seasonal depression, perhaps it was?! I definitely used to take these rainy days for granted, but not today. I got so much done inside while listening to the rain fall outside: a luxury in the desert. 

Raindrops on a glass divider in Abu Dhabi.

Raindrops on a glass divider.

Bird in the Rain.

Bird in the Rain.

Torrential Downpours in Abu Dhabi.

Torrential Downpours in Abu Dhabi.

Raindrops in a puddle in Abu Dhabi

Raindrops in a puddle in Abu Dhabi

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